The pre-op nurse, Christine, called me today with the specifics of what I need to do on the day of the bronchoscopy, February 2nd, 2018. Arrive no later than 8:15 AM Procedure will start promptly at 9:45 Bring a photo ID and my insurance card Nothing to eat or drink for eight hours prior to the procedure Yes, that includes water I can rinse my mouth out as much as I want No alcohol at all the day before Shower twice with anti-bacterial soap Thursday night Friday morning Procedure will take 60 - 90 minutes That seems like a long time for this Should be discharged about 1:00 PM Spouse should remain with me the rest of the day She went over some other general stuff, like my current list of meds. Coincidentally, her husband Mark is a trainer at WE Energies. A week from now I should be home shaking the cobwebs out of my head.